I accidentally had sex with my mom

I accidentally had sex with my mom

ok just read through its not that weird but this happened a while ago and my mom and i have never talked about it but we know it happened.

When i was in jr high, i was a super horny lil dude like most dudes in jr high. Anyway my mom is a nurse and she came home to change into her work clothes and i was on the edge of the couch playing some 360 and we were joking around with each other and i was saying something play full to her and so she ran into the living room and grabbed me off the couch and threw me on the ground to wrestle me. I was wearing super thin basketball shorts no underwear and i kinda had a boner like i always usually did. and she had just her scrubs top on and just underwear on. My mom is only 39 now so she wears like thongs still. Anyway she wrestled me to the ground and when she got on top of me my boner and her vagina hole kinda lined up and i felt my dick kinda go in but bounce out because of the fabric. she got off me super quick and got dressed and left and we never talked about it?

should i finally talk to her about it?