Girlfriend Gets Gangbanged at Party

Girlfriend Gets Gangbanged at Party

“Hey Honey” Said Jessica “I met this guy at the party and I’m going to take him to the bathroom and blow him off” She looked up at me with her glorious brown eyes.

The love of my life, I had no doubt that I would one day marry her. We have been dating for 5 years now, and everything in our relationship was near perfect. Except that is… our sex life.

When we first met, our time together had been a whirlwind of sex and passion, but now after dating and living together for so long, the frequency of our intercourse had slowed to a crawl.

Jess had sat me down a few weeks before the party and told me, we needed to try and spice up our sex life. We had discussed doing roleplay, bondage, among other things. One of the reasons, I love her so much is because she is so open about everything. She looked me dead in the eyes and asked me what my darkest fantasy was.

That’s when I had confessed that the idea of her sleeping with another guy, made me incredibly horny.

I didn’t know why, but the idea of her cheating on me was something I thought about often as I masturbated.

Instead of being shocked or judgemental she had taken the news in stride, thanking me for being open and sharing my odd sexual kink with her. She had even mentioned that she might be willing to do something with somebody else. Just to try it out of course, to see if it made our sex life better.

“Isn’t this great, baby? Just like you wanted!” Said Jessica cheerily. The party raged around us, loud music blaring. She was pretty drunk by that point, but we had briefly discussed doing something like this tonight, so I wasn’t totally unprepared. I had only asked that she be discrete, if she chose somebody at the party.

“Okay, if you’re sure…” I replied hesitantly, as she daintily spun away from me. While earlier I had felt excited. Now I was a little uncertain, seeing how intoxicated she appeared.

I watched as my girlfriend waltzed away into the other room, her perfect ripe ass swaying in time with the music. Moments later she came back, towing my friend Steve towards the bathroom. She had one arm looped through his and was dragging him along at a giggling stumble.

“Oh no!”, I thought mortified “Not one of my friends” I inwardly grimaced, embarrassed that my girlfriend had chosen somebody I knew. So much for being discreet. He would probably enjoy her warm mouth all the more knowing it was his buddy’s girlfriend blowing him.

I watched them disappear into the bathroom, jealously flaring in my gut. I had to stop this, I thought to myself. It would be far too awkward hanging out with Steve, knowing what he had done with my girl.

I strode after them, until I was standing at the bathroom door. I took a deep breath, attempting to bolster my courage, but my hand hesitated, hovering centimeters away from the doorknob. Here in the hallway the music was quieter, and I could easily hear them through the thin wood frame.

“Oh my God! Steve, your dick is so big!” My girlfriend’s awestruck voice filtered to my ears.

“Yeah?” I heard his smug reply. “Is it bigger than your boyfriend’s?” Steve’s baritone voice emanated right through the door

“A lot bigger” I heard her whisper reverently.

“Well, you said you were going to blow me, So put it in your mouth.” Steve demanded impatiently. What a rude asshole, I thought at his gruff commentary.

“I bet you’ve wanted this for a long time” I heard Jess say to him. “I’ve seen the way you look at me, how you flirt with me. We have chemistry, you can’t deny it” she elaborated, her voice slightly slurring.

“Yea, you’re way too hot for Greg” Steve told her. “I mean, I know we’re friends and all but he’s kind of a dweeb, and your smoking” he complimented her while at the same time calling me a nerd.

“Well Greg is a sweet guy and all….” My girlfriend’s voice trailed off for a second, and I imagined her staring mesmerized at my friend’s large manhood. “but he’s nowhere near as big as you are”

My jealously flared, I knew I wasn’t muscular, or fit, and wasn’t exactly packing in the size department if you know what I mean. So hearing Jess agree with him, only brought my insecurities to the forefront of my mind in a raging torrent of self loathing.

I should have never brought this up with her, I thought anxiously. What if she likes Steve, better than me, after she’s sampled his goods. Despite the worried thoughts racing through my mind, my penis was throbbing uncomfortably in my jeans, as I imagined the sight on the other side of the door.

Jess on her knees, with her hand wrapped around my friend’s thick manhood looking up at him, as she gently took him into her hot, wet mouth.

Still standing there in the hallway, outside the thin wood of the bathroom door, I continued to listen as my hand drifted down to my crotch.

I could hear slurping and sucking sounds, and Steve’s rampant moaning. My friend began dirty talking, while my girlfriend sucked his apparently huge cock.

“You like that dick in your mouth, you cheating slut?” I heard a muffled yes, from my girl. “Is that the same mouth you kiss Greg with” Steve continued perversely.

“Do you think he’d want to kiss you, If he knew, you had the taste of my dick in your slutty mouth?” I couldn’t believe my friend Steve, was saying all these crazy things.

Then much to my chagrin, Jess started saying nasty things back to him.

“Yes, I’m a cheating girlfriend, Greg can’t satisfy me. From now on, you can use me whenever you want. Hell, any of Greg’s friends can use me whenever they want” She continued wantonly. Her sultry comments were interrupted with wet slurping noises.

“I want you to tell John, after you cum on my face” She instructed him, pausing for a moment “I want you to tell Ben, too. Tell them! I’m a cheating whore and that I’m waiting for their dicks in the bathroom”

(In Case you were wondering those were the names of my other two best friends, who were currently, somewhere else in the house, enjoying the party)

“I want to be a slut for you guys from now on, a wet hole to get off whenever you like” I was shocked at her slutty words. She was exhibiting a completely different side of her than I had even seen.

My hand was resting on my crotch rubbing my penis through the outside of my jeans. I glanced back and forth nervously down the hallway. There were people milling about in the room not 15 feet away. As much as I wanted to, I couldn’t pull out my cock and jerk it as I listened to them, somebody could come down the hallway at any moment.

Sure enough a couple of girls, loudly came barging down the hallway from the kitchen. I quickly started walking as I hadn’t been lurking outside the bathroom door.

As I wandered away from the bathroom. I felt a little humiliated. I know we had talked about doing something like this… But, now I felt like she was taking it too far. Telling Steve to spread the word amongst my friends.

I didn’t want my little fetish to be known publicly, amongst my friend group, and so far, she had just played it off, as if she were cheating on me.

I wasn’t sure which was worse, my friends knowing that I wanted my girlfriend to sleep with another guy, or if they thought she was just cheating behind my back.

A little while later, Steve came out of the bathroom, and sure enough he headed straight for my other friends, Ben and John, who were drinking beer in the kitchen.

Steve was gesturing animatedly, with enthusiastic hand motions pointing towards the bathroom. My other two friends were staring at him, with their eyebrows raised in disbelief. The loud music drowned out what they were saying from across the room, but I could imagine.

John and Ben looked at each other in disagreement, and then after a furtive round of rock paper scissors, I watched John slide off towards the bathroom.

I hesitated before I strode up to Steve and Ben, as they were talking in the kitchen. They fell silent as I nervously approached.

“Hey Bro ” called out Steve, with an arrogant grin on his face. He was standing there, arms crossed, His burly imposing frame at ease as he relaxed. I’m sure he thought it hilarious, that he was talking to me, mere moments after using my girlfriend’s wet mouth.

A humiliating as the situation was, my cock was painfully stiff in my jeans.

Jealously and shame roiled through my stomach, knowing that my girlfriend was handing out blowies in the bathroom to my friends, but somehow my dick had never been harder.

We talked for a while, then John made his reappearance, signaling for Ben to take his turn. I noticed John’s pants were still unzipped and I caught a glace of his long pale white penis. The same penis that had just been in my girlfriend’s mouth.

“Hey John” Said Steve, “You left the barn door open. He gestured in a zipping motion.

John looked down with an “oh shit” expression and quickly zipped his pants up.

John seemed a bit uncomfortable around me, no doubt feeling guilty, that he had just shot his load, in my girlfriend’s mouth.

“How’s it going John” I said feeling a strained tension in the air between us

“Going great, pal. This is the best party of the year so far” he responded, avoiding eye contact with me. We chatted for a while, everything seemed normal, despite the fact that my girlfriend had just blown him.

Ben eventually came back, looking satisfied. He had a dumb grin plastered across his face, as he re-entered out little circle. My three friends exchanged silent glances of incredulity, still thinking that I was ignorant of what had just happened.

I took this opportunity to slip away to the bathroom to confront my girlfriend about what she had just done. I heard their laughter ring out behind me as I left the kitchen. I angrily opened the restroom door and what I saw shocked me.

There sat my girlfriend, on the bathroom floor with her face absolutely covered in cum. I could see streamers of the stuff, running down and hanging from her chin. A few thick strands of cum swung tenaciously below her jawline, splattering to the floor, as she turned her head to face me.

Jess had several white stripes of opalescent jizz draped sporadically across her cheeks, and her lips were polished in a creamy white film.

“Hey baby!” she exclaimed, looking glad to see me as I walked in. “I hope you don’t mind, I sucked a few of your friends, you know to reward them for being such good friends to you” She smiled innocently, made less innocent by the jizz splattered all over her face.

“What the fuck Jessica! Why did you blow my friends? Do you know how humiliating this is for me! Now every time, I see one of my best friends all I’ll be thinking about is how they had their dick down your throat” I said angrily.

For a second, she looked shocked at my tone, but quickly her expression transformed into one of irritation.

“Do you want me to leave you!” she exclaimed, now looking furious “This is what we talked about. You said you wanted me to cheat on you. You never said, I wasn’t able to pick whoever I want. And now, you are trying to make me feel guilty. You are getting exactly what you asked for.” She was frowning at me, as she ranted on.

“Well, do you want me to leave you?” She asked again.

“Well n…” I stuttered, completely taken aback at how she had turned the conversation around, to make me seem like the bad guy. Not only, that but she was threating to leave me! A deep panic settled in as I thought about loosing her, I couldn’t bear the thought of being without her.

“Well, it’s too late now” She told me how it was. “I already blew your three best friends, no use crying over spilt milk”

She suddenly giggled obviously drunk, as she gestured to the cum globs plastered across her face “get it, spilt milk” She gigged again.

I slowly came to terms that she was right, and the deed was already done, I hung my head in shame.

“I know it’s too late… and I know this is what I asked for, but.. can you please, just not mess around with any more of my friends” I asked her, sounding pathetic to my own ears.

“Look Greg… after you told me about your desire to see me with another man, I went online and did a bit of research. Turns out you are what is called a cuckold. I watched some videos and I think, I know what you need from me.” She confessed to me.

I didn’t know what to say, I appreciated her looking into it more, but there was a lot of different kinds of cuckold porn out there I hope she didn’t get the wrong idea about what I liked.

“Anyways” She paused, looking at me hesitantly “I kind of liked doing this. I really think this is something that could work for us” She was trying to gage my reaction.

“But you need to know, that I always get to choose who I sleep with, If I want it to be with one of your friends, then that’s my decision, and you are just going to have to deal with it”

“Baby I love you, please” I pleaded

“No!” she said sternly “It’s greedy for you to keep me all to yourself, other guys, even guys you know, should have a chance to fuck me and use me too.”

“But this Is pretty much cheating” I protested “I didn’t agree to this”

“But nothing” she replied haughtily “If you ever want to use this mouth again, like your friends just did” She pointed to her cum covered mouth, opening it so I could see the thick pool of jizz inside. “Then you won’t complain”

“Whatever” I replied not wanting to add fuel to the fire.. “Just get yourself cleaned up and let’s go back to the party”

“Well actually” She paused with a devious grin. “Steve made me promise not to wash off their… remains, to come back to the party, still covered. He said something about humiliating you… and walk of shame” She was grinning at me with her beautiful, splattered face.

“Don’t worry, I know this is the kind of stuff you like, Honey” She said to me reassuringly.

“It’s No..” My protest was cut off as she held up a lone finger as if to silence me.

“Hush hush, It’s okay. You don’t have to hide it anymore or lie about it, this is how you want to be treated.”

I felt ashamed, this was going to be humiliating. Everybody would know my girlfriend had cheated on me. There was simply too much cum on her face to be from my cock alone.

“Just pretend like it’s not there, baby, I’m sure no one will notice” my significant other tried to reassure me.

My dick was hard as a rock, and pulsing in my jeans, begging for release. Pent up jealously, and sexual frustration raged in my stomach.

“Honey, I gestured downwards, can you take care of me” I entreated. “I’m so hard right now” I confessed to the love of my life.

My girlfriend frowned, considering.

“Ahh noo, I don’t think so” she said evasively “She broke eye contact with me, staring at the ground. “Their dicks were alot bigger than yours, and…” She paused of a moment sounding dubious “My throat is a little bit tired out”

“You understand, right?” my girlfriend finally managed to bring her gaze back to mine.

“Fuck it” I said defeatedly as I left the bathroom and went to get another beer from the kitchen. Having trouble coping with my raging hard-on, I decided to just get smashed.

Ben, John and Steve, were all still there talking. I joined them with a fresh brew in my hand.

“Hey buddy,” said Steve slapping my shoulder “You having a good time?”

Best to just pretend like nothing happened, I thought to myself. I mean these were my best friends and I didn’t want to ruin my decade long relationship with them over something so trivial as my girlfriend giving them blowjobs at the party.

“It’s all right” I replied “Could be better” I admitted after a second.

“Well, I’m having a great time” Steve replied with a grin “I even just got a blowjob from some chick” he knew perfectly well that he had just gotten a blowjob from my girlfriend and was just fucking with me.

At that moment my girlfriend, decided to make an appearance. She strode up to the counter where we were sitting and plopped down on the stool next to me. She still had their splooge, coating her face.

Holy shit this was embarrassing. “Hey Ben… Hey, John, Hi Steve” she greeted them smiling. Ben burst out laughing at the sight of my girlfriend covered in their cum, sitting right next to me.

“Hi Baby,” She said, turning to me. “I’ve been looking for you”

I inwardly groaned. We all sat there chatting for ten minutes as if nothing were out of the ordinary. Then Jessica turned and looked at me with cum all over her face.

“I want a kiss. baby” She pouted her lips towards me. I could see the cum collected in a little pool in the crevasse of her lips.

Before I could react, Jess slipped her arm around my shoulder guiding her hand to the back of m head fixing it there, before bringing her face close into mine for a steamy kiss.

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I could taste the tangy cum of my three best friends on her lips. She giggled impishly as she broke away from me, releasing the back of my head.

I heard Steve chuckle “That girl I got a blowjob from earlier was really good at sucking dick bro”

“Yea she blew me too!” Ben, chimed in.

They continued talking about how my girlfriend had blown them in the bathroom never using her actual name just calling her, that girl, or that slut. All the while I sat there with their cum on my lips. The salty tang of my three best friends radiating through my mouth.

Jessica excused herself and I followed her.

“Wash that shit off” I said angrily.

“Did it ever occur to you that maybe I like my cum mask” She argued “I think it symbolizes your friends conquest of me and how they get to use your girlfriend as their fuck-hole. Now that being said, I will wash it off if you give me another kiss”

I hung my head pathetically, not really wanting too kiss her again, but also being embarrassed to be walking around in public with my cum plastered girlfriend.

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I looked around and saw no one was watching, before leaning forward and kissing her again. She pressed in this time holding the kiss for longer, our wet mouths comingled for the span of three seconds, before our lips parted.

Despite the fact that I could taste the salty semen on her tounge, my dick was throbbing again, turned on by the physical intimacy.

She went to the bathroom and cleaned herself up after that. When she returned to the party I put my hand on her shoulder and spoke to her seriously.

“Ok, that’s it! no more slutty behavior at this party, I want you to promise me” I demanded.

“Yea sure baby” she said with a roguish grin.

I felt a gnawing worry in my stomach. But I had to trust her even after all she had done, sucking my friends dicks, and walking around with their cum on her face, I mean how much more adventurous could she possibly be. We went into the back yard to have a cigarette.

There were two random guys standing there talking. One of them cracked a joke and overhearing, I laughed along as well.

One of the burly looking guys turned to me and said “What are you laughing at” I felt my smile falter, how rude I thought. “ttt..the joke” I stuttered.

“ttt..the nothing you bitch. The joke wasn’t meant for you.” He said sneeringly. I could feel a confrontation building. I tried to disarm it

“Look I don’t want any trouble here, I didn’t mean any disrespect” I said quickly.

“Well, I did” he said, daring me to say something offensive. Him and his friend looked like they were getting ready to jump me, so I backed off.

“Ok, we will just be leaving then” I replied meekly. Seeing that I was backing down, he splashed his beer on me sneering.

“Yea get out of here bitch, before we hurt you” the asshole said.

“Come on baby, lets go” I grabbed Jessica’s hand and led her into the house. I could hear their laughter trailing away behind me.

I went into the bathroom to try and clean the beer soaking through my shirt. and when I got out Jessica was nowhere to be found. So I just hung out and had a few beers in the living room as the party raged around me.