I know I’m going to get a lot of hate and backlash with this, but I needed to tell someone so why not tell the internet semi anonymously.
So I’ll start the story from the beginning, about a year ago;
I met my boyfriend at work. We were both working in a mall at the same store and I wasn’t attracted to him at all. But me, being the person that I am, decided to try and make friends with him because I saw that he never spoke to any of our coworkers unless necessary and would always sit by himself on his breaks instead of joining one of our then coworkers who would always be in break with him. So I befriended him, kinda, and pretty much all our interactions would be repeatedly flipping each other off with smiles on our faces.
One day he brought his best friend/roomate into the store on his day off. I was working. I was immediately attracted to his roomate, we will call him Joe. I had already gotten my boyfriends snap, we will call him Pete. So Pete and I had been snapping each other for about a month at this point. Just keeping the streak, silly stuff. And when I met joe I was immediately attracted to him and got his snap. Pete didn’t know that I liked Joe. My stupid self set up joe with a friend of mine and then Pete made it a double date of sorts. I realized that, hey, Pete ain’t too bad, so he and I started talking more. I saw that joe was taking to my friend and assumed he was interested in her.
Fast forward a bit: joe and my friend didn’t work out and Pete and I started dating.
Now more recently, I was drunk at the house that Pete and joe share and I was drinking with joe while my boyfriend played games. I confessed to joe that I liked him, and to my surprise he had liked me back for months. So we started having sex on the low, and getting to know each other better.
This has been going on for about two months now. And Pete is planning on proposing to me soon. I don’t know what to do. I still love Pete with my whole heart but idk what to do about joe. I know joe and I aren’t right for each other in the long run. We’re too different. But am I playing it safe by being with Pete cuz he offers me all I’ve ever wanted? He didn’t do anything to deserve this.
Please help me out here y’all