I had intercourse with my brother and i dont know how to feel about it

I had intercourse with my brother and i dont know how to feel about it

Yesterday i took my brother(19m) with me(27f) to a local bar since he was having a hard time in college from all these classes and needed some free time.We got drunk and we decided to play truth or dare.Since we were only 2 we would ask each other turn by turn.After a few questions I started to feel some butterflies(?)(I don’t know how to describe it) in my stomach and I went to use the bathroom.When I came back I noticed that he drank more while I was gone.Anyways, we continued the goal and when it was my turn to ask I decided to take the shot and dared him to kiss me on the lips.He did it and it felt so unreal I don’t know how to explain it. We kept going and we started to ask and dare each other extreme things and when it was my last turn I dared him to have intercourse with me and we went to boys bathroom and we got in a cabin.We did it for about half and hour and it felt so nice.I had my eyes on him since he entered 18 and now he was between my legs?It felt like I achieved my goal.Anyways after we both finished we went back to home and thankfully our mom was sleeping.(We live with our single mom)Now i just woke up and I don’t know how to react.I don’t know if I can confront him about what we did last night because I’m so confused.Was it because we were drunk or was it going to happen anyways?